Be the Mule
To hear Alan’s latest comments on current events, go to the YouTube link, Be the Mule.
To receive notification of new recordings, be sure to subscribe to his channel.
We are living at an extraordinary time when we are all being called to tap deeper into ourselves to find the strength and vision to guide our lives to maximum success. This website is a haven for your soul, offering you a wealth of resources to renew yourself and stay aligned with your purpose. All of the programs and products are geared to empower you to find deeper inner peace, enjoy healing, create rewarding relationships, and maximize abundance. We can help each other in the most important ways. You will also find lots of free inspirational materials to make your day brighter and your journey lighter. Thank you for showing up. Together we can do all we need to do to come home to ourselves.
To hear Alan’s latest comments on current events, go to the YouTube link, Be the Mule.
To receive notification of new recordings, be sure to subscribe to his channel.
Alan connects the most important keys from his series of popular webinars, and presents them in an attractive, easy-to-absorb way in one masterful, practical course. You will gain huge insights into the themes of enlightenment, and how to apply them to specific areas of your life most important to you.
The Leading Edge of Prosperity· Master Keys of Healing · Relationshift · Miracles Made Easy · Handle with Prayer · The Time of Your Life · Friends in High Places · Soul and Destiny
Accelerate your spiritual journey with illumination and fun!
You can still sign up for the program, and receive video recordings of previous webinars.
Launch your writing with Joy, Ease, and Confidence.
If you’re ready to write and launch your best ideas, this unique program will help put you across the finish line.
Our webinars, online lessons, optional In-Person Hawaii Retreat, and optional personal coaching will give you the information, guidance, and confidence you need. You’ll also join a community of writers who share your values and want you to succeed.
If A Course in Miracles has touched your life, this retreat will be an extraordinary opportunity for you to go deeper into ACIM‘s magnificent teachings and apply them to your relationships, prosperity, health, creativity, career, and peace of mind. Join with Alan and a group of like-minded peers at one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and treat yourself to a well-deserved time to renew, refresh, restore, and then return to your upgraded activities with a new vision for how great your life can be and skills to make it so.
Alan teams with ACIM’s most experienced teachers Jon Mundy, Robert Holden, Robert Perry, and Gary Renard for a full-day program that will answer many of your questions about the Course and ignite you to keep moving forward and make the amazing gifts of A Course in Miracles real in your life.
Become a certified life coach or apply the skills you learn in your current profession and personal life.
This spiritually-based, holistic program, with a small class size and lots of attention for each student, is extraordinarily effective for coaches and the clients they reach.
Better your life by helping others better theirs.
Passion is life. When you have it, everything lines up. When you miss it, you feel lost. This webinar will help you get in touch with your authentic passion and show you how to regain it when it disappears.
Join Alan and eminent teachers of A Course in Miracles to edify your power to stay in your right mind throughout each day, and replace fear with love, doubt with trust, and separation with connection.
In this recording at Hay House “I Can Do It” conference, Alan ignites energy to live as your authentic self without apology or compromise. If you are seeking to gain confidence to move forward to empower your relationships, career, project, or spiritual path this program will give you vision and inspiration.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Start your day on the right foot with positive, uplifting, soul-nurturing messages in your inbox. Read a new article each month, and be the first to learn of new events and products by Alan.
This free ongoing meeting is dedicated to help you create more miracles in your life and help others do the same. Receive coaching from Alan, share a powerful experience or insight, or ask a question about A Course in Miracles or another spiritual path. Join in a loving supportive community to inspire, empower, and heal you.
Learn through Alan’s most popular courses virtually at home, and at your own pace. Courses include, but not limited to diving deep into health, empowering your career path, building great personal relationships, managing your financial health, inter-dimensional communication, and much more.
Alan delivers inspirational messages appropriate to current events via YouTube. Subscribe to Alan’s YouTube channel (then be sure to click on the bell to be notified when new videos are posted) for a fresh higher perspective and to find confidence to move ahead on your personal and spiritual path.
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