Got Passion?

How to Keep Your Spark Alive Even When it Dims

90-Minute Live Webinar
with Alan Cohen
Tuesday, April 8 11 AM Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1 PM Central, 2 Eastern

Passion is life. It is the universe’s way of moving you into your right place with the right people for the right purpose. Passion is the motivator for all successful and rewarding endeavors. It is the voice of God reaching into humanity, speaking to and through us.

Yet many of us live with far less passion than we are capable to enjoy. We settle for half-hearted careers, compromised relationships, and less than vibrant health. In many cases, we began an activity or relationship with passion, but somehow over time that energy trickles away, and we find ourselves in empty, unfulfilling, nonproductive situations.

This unique webinar will:

  • Help you get in touch with you passion and live from it.
  • Remind you why you deserve a fully passionate life in all of your relationships, career, and endeavors
  • Explain why and how people lose their passion
  • Give you important practical tips about how to reclaim your passion
  • Show you stirring examples of passionate living
  • Guide you how to help loved ones who have lost their passion.


Early bird until March 15: $30
After March 15: $40
After April 1: $50

Webinar Details

  • Program includes lecture, visual presentation, q & a, brief individual coaching, and  guided visualization.
  • Zoom program will be recorded and made available to registrants.
  • Webinar includes optional breakout segment.
  • Most credit cards and forms of e-payment accepted.

For more information: 

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