
Alan Cohen Japan

Alan Cohen teaches regularly throughout Japan for many
eager and dedicated Japanese students. His programs
include evening lectures, weekend seminars and retreats,
webinar series, in-depth Holistic Life Coach Training, A
Course in Miracles Teacher Training, personal coaching,
and group retreats to Hawaii.

15 of Alan’s books have been translated into Japanese
language, all available on

邦訳新書、メルマガ「目覚めの深呼吸(Daily Inspirations)」などを含む

For information on Alan Cohen in Japan, please visit:

Alan Cohen India

Alan Cohen regularly presents programs for students living in India and Indian students living overseas. Most of the programs are online, but some Indians travel to the U.S. to participate in Alan’s programs in person as well.

Programs include individual webinars, webinar series, basic and advanced Holistic Life Coach Training, A Course In Miracles Teacher Training, and personal coaching.

Alan’s Indian students who are also teachers facilitate many study groups based on Alan’s books, especially A Course in Miracles Made Easy.

All of Alan’s books are available in English on

For information on Alan Cohen in India, please contact:

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